You have just ended your workout, shoes on one hand, sporting equipment on the other. Now, who’s going to be holding your protein shake/hot dog/potato chips? (We don’t judge)
Always in that predicament? Then, the klitch is just what you need!
The Klitch is a god-send footwear clip that allows you to hang practically anything onto your bag! (except that bag of chips of course). Klitch your shoes together, hang them onto your bag and voila, extra hands!
Bonus point - you get to air your pair of shoes at the same time. Now, that’s what I call a win-win - stomach’s happy and your shoes are happy! Just remember to not shove your bag to the next commuter if you are taking the public transport!
The Klitch can hold weights of up to 4.5kg and can be used for other odd sized equipment such as boxing gloves and army / safety boots too!
Such a simple yet efficient solution, we’ve wondered why we haven’t thought about it before!
Use the product with the klitch deodoriser to make your shoe feeling all fresh like a brand new pair of kicks.